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Sometimes You Just Have to Breathe

Throw Back Thursday…


just breathe

Fact: I’m a busy person.

Sometimes I can get overwhelmed; it happens. However, sometimes it just takes a moment to calm down. Sometimes it just takes some breathing.

I’m starting to realize how important breathing is. Basic concept right? But how often do you  think about it really? Here are two situations that point out how important breathing is.

1. This summer I started working with a friend to get fit. He is a football player who is nice enough to be my trainer and get me into shape. I’m calling him coach 🙂 Every week, I go through a four day workout plan, and I admit, it really pushes me. It’s great though; I’m really loving the challenge. Anyways, something coach keeps repeating and trying to drill into me is just to breathe. “Remember to breathe.” “You gotta breathe.” “Better be breathing.” I admit, breathing really isn’t my forte…

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Life is Like a Cup of Coffee

This may fit better with Wise Words Wednesday, but it is Fun Friday where anything can happen!

I sit here in a local coffee shop with the Oklahoma sky raining once again outside. I’m being productive today: making phone calls, scheduling, planning, and getting work done. Then I take a moment to peruse youtube for some motivation when I found this very fitting video.

Life is like a cup of coffee….

Please check it out before you read past this line.

I have recently graduated college, and I’m looking for the kind of life I want to live. There is pressure on getting a good job, there is pressure of making good money, and there is pressure to make an ideal life for myself.

However, I don’t want to forget how to live a good life and enjoy it. I don’t want to become self-focused, especially to the point that I forget those around me, I forget to enjoy the small moments, or that I forget the most important mission of my life: to love God and bring glory to Him.

I will enjoy the coffee despite the cup it is from.

Will you?

-Steph 🙂

P.S. I’d love to hear your thoughts and what you got from the video.

Impact of Music

Who doesn’t like music?

I honestly can’t think of a single person out there who dislikes music. Sure, they may not like singing or dancing but music all together? I don’t go to concerts. I’m not a concert type girl. Seriously, all I’ve seen is one Winter Jam and NSYNC in my whole life. However, I went to one two weekends ago and…wow. I give major credit to the artist, who came to entertain and did so incredibly. It is more than that though. It is more than the artist, the concert. It is even more than how the songs affect me.

imagesAs I stood amongst the crowd, I thought about the moment. Here we are, a sea of strangers, sharing this moment together, these emotions together. A song can affect each person differently–mean something different to each and every one of us–and here we are feeling it, experiencing it, enjoying it together in that moment.

And that moment, knowing someone else is be moved by this song like I am, makes me feel more connected. Connected to the music, connected to other people, connected to life.

I had the simagesame pull from music earlier that day but in a different situation. I have not been a part of a worship team in long while. No reason in particular; just not the opportunity or drive for it. Well that opportunity came a knocking when the interns took over the worship for youth group that week. I had no idea what effect it would have on me.

I know this post may come across as cheesy, but I am honest. Up on stage singing with some phenomenal musicians for the glory of my heavenly father, I felt unbelievable. I felt like I was a solid part of that team. I felt like I was closer to God in those moments. I felt solid in who I am.

“I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.” –Billy Joe

Music makes an impact.images

Whether it how the lyrics in the song match your emotions, how the beat of the music makes you feel, or how you feel in a moment on stage or in the crowd…

Music moves us, changes us, connects us.

-Steph 🙂

P.S. I’d love to hear your thoughts on music and how it has impacted you!

Broken Vessels

IMG_3349For Wise Words Wednesday, I am glad to introduce my first guest blogger, Brandi Schneider.

Brandi is an incredible person whom I have known for more than ten years now. I know that I can always look to her for an excellent conversation, advice, or real talk. Even if her words rub someone the wrong way, she is always blunt and honest in a way that comes from a truly caring heart.

She works for a nonprofit organization called “Project Semicolon”, and she is a part of the Paradigm Shift and 20 Camp teams. I appreciate Brandi for all that she does, for what a great friend she is, and for her openness in all her blog posts. I hope you enjoy these wise words from her:

We are broken people. We live in a broken world with other broken people and we have a nasty habit of breaking others. Broken things need to be fixed. But not on our own. No no. Our habit for breaking others should be indicator enough that we aren’t in the business of repairs.

But I want so desperately to be in the business of repairs. I try to be. Sometimes I succeed. Oftentimes I fail.

I wonder what, if any, good can come from my brokenness. So much so that I convince myself that nothing good can come from it. So in the frenzy of trying to fix myself, I break others along the way. I don’t mean to. Sometimes I’m not even aware of it.

But as I prepare to lead worship tonight, the lyrics begin to wash over me. “Take this heart Lord, I’ll be your vessel. The world to see your life in me.”

This song is about brokenness. And the grace that is found in and through it.

My brokenness is beautiful to Him.
Your brokenness. It’s beautiful.

We can’t fix our brokenness. And I’m not sure that should be our goal anymore.

The more and more I recall the broken moments of my life, the more I realize that there was such beauty found within them. Like a diamond waiting in the rough. The brokenness created something so beautiful.

Let Him take your brokenness. Let Him refine it, press it, then make it beautiful.

Stop trying to repair something that the Father desires to mold into something beautiful. Stop breaking people along the way. And stop trying to fix them before they’ve found their beauty.

The sorrow may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning.

I pray that you have found some kind of hope intertwined through my words. I hope you close this feeling refreshed and encouraged.

I would love to connect with you, so feel free to check me out over at or at

Until next time,

Stories of a Solo Traveler

This last weekend I got to go on an adveimage(2)nture all on my own. Now, I’ve traveled on my own before–really only road trips, but on a plane to Chicago, being all on my own became distinctly real.

Like every trip I’veimage(3) been on, I started instagramming my adventure. That is when I came up with the hashtag: #solotraveler. My mind was racing; this could be really fun! Tips and stories of traveling solo. I don’t do it often; in fact, I very much prefer the company of others being the extravert that I am. Yet, there is something about being on one’s own that can be empowering with the sense of independence and adventure.

Anyways, here are my first few tips based on my solo trip to Chicago:

  • Don’t be afraid to travel solo, just be wise about it. Preplan, be confident, and avoid dangerous situations. For example, I got to my hotel right before sunset to avoid being on my own walking the streets of Chicago at night.
  • Headphones are always handy-plane rides, bus rides, talking on the phone while looking at google maps, and fitting in (often times in big cities, such as New York City and Chicago, locals alone have headphones in.
  • Never forget gum when flying. My ears have suffered :/
  • Never be afraid to chat with your seat buddy on a plane because you could always make a new friend. If it doesn’t go well, resort to headphones.
  • Research great apps for your trip. They can save you money, save you time, and overall make your trip smoother. For example, the app “citymapper” made traveling around Chicago such a breeze to the point that I got asked for directions.
  • Lighten the luggage is smart. I was only on a two day and one night trip, so I managed to get all my stuff and the workshop in one backpack. It helped when I couldn’t check into my hotel for hours after landing in Chicago, and gave me the chance to I explore the city with just my backpack.
  • Invest in a good backpack. It is helpful to only be responsible for a backpack, so you might as well get one that lasts for a long time. Also, a backpack can also help one fit in. I got asked for directions by someone because I looked like a local university student. Made my day 🙂
  • Be wise on what you pack. The minimum if you can. I try to stick to carry on only when flying, and for a woman, that is hard. An excellent tip I’ve received is stick to one color scheme. I focus on a neutral–black or brown–and work around that (expect a packing post eventually 😉 )

That’s all for now. Do you have any traveling tips or stories???

-Steph 🙂

Just Making a Plan

….and letting you know.

Today is a simple post to get me motivated and to keep me accountable.

This blog is meant to be, overall, inspiring and encouraging, and I’ve developed a plan and some goals to make sure that it happens on a more consistent basis.

So my goal is to post at least one blog a week for the rest of the year.

What you can look forward to as readers:

Motivation Mondays-we’ve all seen people hashtagging this, and it is definitely a day we could use some motivation, so why not jump on the bandwagon 🙂

Traveling Tuesdays- I am all about traveling tips, goals, and stories. Get pumped about this day!

Wise Words Wednesdays- time for some real talk. Whether this is reflecting on something or someone wise, hearing advice from a guest blogger, or having a honest deep talk, this day should really get you thinking and reflecting.

Throwback Thursdays- obviously a really popular hashtag, but I love it. This day will be dedicated to looking back at some really good blogs or even moments in life/history.

Fun Fridays- Mostly for living our list! Bucketlists, events, and even diys. Honestly, anything could happen on a friday 😀

A simple post, I know, but I hope you join me on this journey of serious committed ( but always fun 🙂 ) blogging.

-Steph 🙂

P.S. Got a blog? Let me know, and maybe you can be a guest blogger 😉

Teamwork in Theatre

Alright, in case I haven’t told you…I LOVE theatre. I love it for so many reasons, but one of the top reasons is the teamwork required in theatre. It is true. A theatre company is a team. It is a family. Sure, it can be a dramatic crazy messed up family at times, but still a fantastic team. 

You see, I’ve had the chance over the years to be a part of many productions and one incredible theatre company. Every time, it amazes me how all these different types of people can work together to create something wonderful. And seriously, it takes every single role to put on a production well.

Let’s analyze the team, shall we?

  • Actors-memorizing lines and blocking, attending countless rehearsals, and responsible for bringing characters alive.
  • Directors-responsible for a vision for the production, guiding actors through the script,
  • Stage manager-managing everyone during a show: actors, running crew, all the cues
  • Design team- Set designer, Light designer, Costume designer, Props designer, Sound designer.
  • Work crew- those who assist in building or creating what the designers have designed.
  • Running crew- those who help back stage during a show: stage hands, sound operator, light board operator, etc.
  • Front of house- ushers, house manager, and box office.

And often, people have to fill multiple roles. An actor could also be assisting with building the set, or a costume designer may be running the box office. People come together because they are passionate about the art of theatre just like how any IMG_4821team is passionate about their sport or an a cappella group about their music. Every role is so essential. Without one person or a person not fully playing their part, the whole system could falter. Got a light person who isn’t paying attention, cues could be missed. Got a lazy actor who misses his cue to come on stage, you may end up with an awkward situation on stage. Every role relies on the others. An actor relies on another actor to say their lines on time, on the stage manager to call the right cues, on the usher to get the audience seated in an orderly fashion so no one is a disruption to the show.

I have also seen a theatre team come together in crisis:

  • An actor dropped out. Alright, put in the understudy and help them get caught up.
  • The set isn’t finished. Everyone–director, actors, crew, designers–comes in one day and works for hours to get everything finished.
  • Something broke. Alright, who can fix it? What do we need to do?
  • The lights are not working before a show is about to start or a group is late so the show is delayed. With a children audience at that! Actors improve entertainment during the delay.

Excellent team members in theatre, from my experience, tend to go above and beyond their role or duty.

A theatre company is also a supportive team. The world/career of theatre is a competitive one. However, I have still found that in a theatre company there is always support, advice, and encouragement. They support your success inside the theatre company and outside of it. They support the theatre aspects of your life and others. 10675616_897538056924280_8769389562425829333_nI’ve had a theatre company promote my fundraisers for missions, celebrate my accomplishments in college and in life, and encourage/support my decisions.

Bottom line, most important teamwork lessons I’ve learned in theatre:

  • Every role is essential. So play your role and encourage/appreciate others.
  • Know when to lead and when to take direction.
  • Always be prepared to help even in areas that are not your role.
  • A positive attitude can go a long ways 🙂
  • Remember to focus on success for the whole team/production.
  • It is incredible what a team can do, create, and accomplish when they share the same passion and different strengths.

I love theatre! I love the theatre company I got the opportunity to be a part of. I am so thankful for that team, that family–for their support and for how they have helped me become both a better team-player and leader.

-Steph 🙂

P.S. Have you learned anything from theatre? What organization, club, or situation has taught you the most about teamwork?



I haven’t posted in a good amount of time. What have I been doing?

  • Traveling and marking off lots of bucket list items in Alaska and New York
  • Graduating college with two degrees
  • Working
  • Looking for a job

Now, let me be honest with this post. On the big scale or plan of life, it all sounds like I’ve been doing pretty good. I’m definitely not complaining about these awesome events, absolutely not. What I am here to make known are the small events. Those little actions that make up daily life. Those good, healthy, and productive actions we wish would become habits.

Recently, I’ve been reflecting on my own life, thinking about myself the past few years. I thought about when I was happiest, when life was the smoothest, what my goals were, and how have they changed. To cut to the chase, I’ve realized that I have been focusing on all the big things and have forgotten to keep up with the small things.

For example:

  • reading my bible daily
  • praying daily
  • exercising regularly
  • taking a few minutes to stretch
  • spending time by myself to reflect or be creative
  • taking time to clean/declutter
  • blogging

They are just a few examples, and yet I find my life affected by their absence. These small activities had a bigger impact on my life than I took time to realize before. Typically, these actions made me feel good–a bit more put together–and made it feel like my day was running smoother.

So this is my restart, blogging and all the small things. I don’t have much of an excuse why I stopped them before; I don’t think many of us do. Just the same: “I got busy. I just forgot. I had other things to focus on.” I know I have time for them; I can definitely make time for them.

The small things…they are so easy to forget and let slip away…

The small things…they can be hard to keep up and make into habits, but they are so worth it.

Don’t delay it. Don’t put it off. If you need a restart on dreams, goals, new year’s resolutions, or small action, it is ok. Restart now. Take action. Be happy.

I want to leave you with one more thing:

I live by the quote “Shoot for the moon and even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” Well sometimes, we focus on that moon too much, and we forget the stars around us. Whether your stars be small actions, present goals, or people, remember them.

Yours Truly,

Steph 🙂

Two Options


Are you making progress or excuses?

Here is a quote to get a difference perspective:

“The traveler was active: he went strenuously in search of people, of adventure, of experience. The tourist is passive; he expects interesting things to happen to him. He goes ‘sight-seeing’.”  –Daniel J. Boorstin

Are you a traveler or a tourist?

What are yo doing with your life? With your goals? Your dreams?

Making progress….

Or excuses?

-Steph 🙂

Public Speaking…

10462457_516840468415656_3429680213255222186_nPersonal Experience Time: Public Speaking

This last week I had the privilege of not only working with the Paradigm Shift team once again, but I also got the chance to speak to a great group of Educational Talent Search students in Pensacola, Florida.

This is a big deal to me because it is my first time public speaking, giving a motivational speech. Yes, I’m a teacher and an actress, but trust me when i say that giving a speech is different for me. I’m not a complete natural when it comes to public speaking, but I do prepare a whole lot. That’s exactly what I was thinking when Kyle the intern of Paradigm Shift asked me if I wanted to give a keynote. For the speech, I had to come up with the topic, what I’d say, what I’d use for the presentation…I knew I wasn’t a natural (I get nervous and ramble). My mind pondered on things that could go wrong, how I could mess up. However, I was presented with this opportunity and took it. I dream of these moment: public speaking and motivating students.

So was I going to pass it up? No! Just like my fear of heights, I wasn’t going to let a little nerves and self doubt keep me from taking this opportunity.

Taking this chance and not being a natural or experienced, I knew I was going to have to put more effort into it. I was going to have to super prepare, ask for solid advice, and repeatedly practice. I had to set myself up for success. 

I did all of those things in about a week. I thought about topics I was passionate about and could genuinely speak about. I researched so many quotes and videos. I created a prezi. I created tokens. I asked speaking advice from both Ryan Eller and Jerrod Murr. I practiced presenting my speech several times, both on my own and in front of great supportive friends. 

I’m very proud to say that the speech went over very well, and I enjoyed every minute of it 🙂

My advice then is this:

  • Don’t let fears, nerves, or self doubt hold you back from great opportunities. (You may surprise yourself 😉 )
  • Sometimes things take some extra effort. It is worth it, so set yourself up for success.
  • Setting up for success for public speaking: Prepare, ask for advice, and practice.

-Steph 🙂

P. S. I will be sharing my presentation with you soon, and I can’t wait!